WELCOME TO twin falls tough enough to wear pink

Welcome To Twin Falls Tough Enough To Wear Pink


Breast Cancer Awareness

Breast Cancer is the most prevalent cancer among women. One in Eight women will be stricken with breast Cancer. It is also the most curable. The secret to breast cancer survival is early detection.

Twin Falls TETWP

The Twin Falls Tough Enough To Wear Pink Committee is committed to bringing awareness to the Magic Valley about the importance of breast screening mammography. We are an all volunteer group with all money raised by the local Twin Falls TETWP staying local.

Where To Get A Mammogram

St. Luke’s offers walk-in screenings


Jerome Office Wednesday’s 9am-3pm

Twin Falls Office M-F 9am-3pm

Innovative Medical Imaging



Idaho gives

april 28, 2025 - may 1, 2025


Aug 28, 2025

ladies night out

oct 16, 2025

look for tftetwp

at many other local events!

donate to your local

tough enough to wear pink today

The secret to breast cancer survival is early detection. The Twin Falls TETWP Committee is committed to bringing awareness to the Magic Valley about the importance of breast screening mammography and raising funds to provide free mammograms to women who would otherwise go without a mammogram! Your donation will go towards the awareness, screening costs & post-treatment help the Twin Falls TETWP Committee provides. The TETWP is a non-profit organization.

Donate By Mail:

Tough Enough To Wear Pink Twin Falls, Inc

PO Box 5334

​Twin Falls, ID 83303



Twin Falls Tough Enough to Wear Pink would like to thank everyone that donated and participated in our Annual Ladies Night Out. We would also like to thank all of you who have raised money or in some other way have contributed to our fundraising efforts. Thanks to all the great folks in the Magic Valley, your Twin Falls TETWP raised over $105,000 in 2021, $144,000 in 2022 , $137,000 in 2023, and $147,000 in 2024. In the last 18 years of supporting the Magic Valley, we have raised over $904,000!



I was one of the people in Idaho who kept falling through the cracks insurance-wise... Tough Enough was big enough to step up to the plate... Thank God for these kind of programs.

Sheila Hernandez


I don't have insurance, but it was very important for me to get a mammogram because I've had two aunts who have dies of breast cancer... I'm so grateful for Tough Enough To Wear Pink so that I could get it done.

Dora Anderson

Twin Falls

1 in 8 women who has a mammogram is diagnosed with cancer, so it's very important to find it early. The mammogram is the only way to find it early, so that breast cancer treatment is easier and much less daunting on a person's life.

Melanie Shouse-Gonzales

St. Luke's Program Coordinator

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